Tag Archives: music

Let your voice lead to your genuine self.

As we look ahead to the New Year, I’d like to share with you a uniquely moving experience.

Bobby McFerrin, renowned artist, singer and composer, chats with Krista Tippett from American Public Media about what the human voice alone can convey.

Audio: Catching Song with Bobby McFerrin

Here are a few of his thoughts that greatly resonate with me. I hope you find it as inspiring and enlightening as I do. Listen and enjoy!

One reason I enjoy singing songs without words is because it allows the individual hearer to bring their own story to the sounds that I make.

The wisdom of improvisation — it’s simply motion. The courage to keep going without self-criticism. Just be. It is essential to finding your genuine self.

There’s a lot of music in scripture.

Why don’t we sing more often? For me, the highest point in my evening is hearing 3,000 voices singing with me, getting them to remember who they are and what they can do.

I’m no longer afraid of making mistakes. Wherever my voice goes, wherever it takes me, I just follow it. I just watch it. It leads me to wherever. I trust it.

So what if you have a wonderful instrument. What we want is the core — your essence.

We are embodied memories of our ancestors. Am I accessing a memory when I sing?

Music is a tool for inner attainment.