Category Archives: nonprofit

The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

— quote from The Speed of Darkness, 1968
Muriel Rukeyser, an American poet, philosopher and social activist

It’s akin to the concept behind “connecting the dots” or “it’s all about how strangely we’re all connected…somehow.” Because stories are our lives woven to make us realize we are more similar than we are different. In stories, we find our purpose, our voice, our calling. Is there a natural order in the universe? Yes. Where one ends, another begins. Much like… stories.

Art alone endures.

Last week, I was at the Fine Arts Building on S. Michigan Avenue. It was built in 1885 to house working artists in various fields of expression. Above the entry way and engraved in the marble are words that say, “ALL PASSES – ART ALONE ENDURES.”

It was the art of the late Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, that helped me become who I am today as a professional artist. His legacy is a world where people like you and me can create anything that has the potential to change the way we think, live and learn. Steve leaves this world transformed.

What can you create to transform your world? What is YOUR ART?

Showcase a storytelling event

The Barkada Circle artistic team is thrilled to work with Free Street Theater in putting together a fundraiser for them Nov 2, 2011. The evening will highlight how a live performance can engage the audience with a compelling story.

Free Street Theater teaches acting and creative writing skills to youth, who are commonly excluded from mainstream programming, so they can open their potential to be creative, active participants in their own lives. Their mission is perfectly aligned with Barkada’s commitment to work with artists in affecting change in Chicago’s neighborhoods.

The evening for Free Street Theater officially kicks off Barkada’s storytelling workshops. See you there!

Your story can make you extraordinary.

The vision of Barkada Circle is to guide nonprofits as they unlock their creativity, tell their unique stories and develop distinctive and memorable messages. By capturing their own experiences, they can stir people’s emotions; engage their donors, volunteers and staff; and inspire them to act.

For more information, please call Barkada Creative at 773.852.3522
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