a visit to the Chicago AMA’s morning session that will reexamine how you can effectively tell your story to the right people in the right place at the right time. NPO Marketers, Is Your Message On-Target? brings together a panel of seasoned communicators in the nonprofit sector for a dialogue about how to hone in on a specific segment of your audience with a focused message and call-to-action. 8:15–10:00am / Merit School of Music, 38 S. Peoria 60607
…and ends with…
an evening conversation about applying what we know about targeted messaging to social media. Who is the Face (and Voice) of Your Mission? highlights how you can be strategic in converting your audience in the virtual space into real supporters who are actively engaged with your cause. 5:30–8:00pm / i.c.stars, 415 N. Dearborn 60654
What happens in between is a whole lot of writing, but I shouldn’t bore you with the details!